Diamond Dating App

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Diamond dating apps

The feature available for guys and non-binaries. When you become King of the Hill, your ad is shown at the top of the feed and everyone in your radius will see you first. The magic lasts for an hour or until someone else takes you down. PURE EXPERIENCES. LOGIN 30 thousand of ads are being posted every day. High-end dating apps have quietly been emerging right under our noses because discretion and exclusivity are key. In short, these are the sites you most likely can’t join and most definitely don’t want to. Read on for the diamond-encrusted, million-dollar scoop Raya, Tawkify, The League Raya.


How to use dating apps comes down to how serious you are about going on dates. With dating apps, you either love them or hate them. Most of us have tried our hands at one or two. Realizing they’re all pretty much the same gamble. My suggestion is to find one you tolerate and stick with it for at least a few months. The main takeaway if you want to be successful you have to put work in.

I have figured out the best way to use a dating app. As a tool to supplement real-life interactions.

Step one One: Download the Dating App

Diamond Dating App

First, you have to download the app. You have many choices - Bumble, Tinder, Hinge, Coffee Meets Bagel, OK Cupid, etc. Find one you like and stick with it. More than two apps and you’re getting the same people. Don't make your distance radius too large.

Step Two: Go out in the Real World

Diamond Dating App


That’s right, you need to leave the house and surround yourself with people. Now, the good part about this is, it ups your chances of meeting someone IRL. Go to the gym, grocery store, coffee shop, where ever. When you’re at these places, and you see someone attractive try to give them eye contact. Now, the hope is you see this person again… on your chosen dating app. It’s happened to me it can happen to you.

Step Three: Message Them


If you match with the person you saw IRL on the app it’s time to message them. Gone are the days where you talk to a person when you see them out. It’s come to the point, we have to hope that technology creates some serendipitous reuniting. Romantic right? You can use an opening that mentions you go to the same ::insert place you saw them::. You don’t have to use this as an opening but it’s a suggestion. This helps because if you do start dating you have a better story than “we met on Tinder.”

Free Dating Apps

Step Four: Keep doing it

You're not going to match with every cute guy or girl you see in public. And that's ok! The point is you're putting on the energy that you are open to new experiences and dating. Don’t give up.


Diamond Dating App Review

Using the dating app in conjunction with going out is the best way to do it. Putting yourself out there and not relying on an app to do all the work. Getting out of the house means potential dates can see you in person. Then they can strike up a conversation with you on the app. See? Coming full circle!